If you are interested in learning more about our educational opportunities or scheduling a field trip with us, please contact us at community@limbitless-solutions.org
Contact UsENGAGE
at Limbitless?Limbitless Solutions provides early STEAM exposure to K-12 students through an immersive field trip experience at the Limbitless Facility. Middle and high school students' creativity, discovery, and innovation are sparked by our student-centered lab experience led by UCF undergraduates from diverse fields of study. Limbitless interns inspire the next generation of innovators while helping to break down barriers in STEM fields where diversity is sparse and change the stereotypes of what STEM disciplines can be.
This exciting educational program provides hands-on exposure to science, technology, engineering, art, and math through activities focused around the concepts used in Limbitless' bionic technology.
K-12 students are immersed in the multidisciplinary lab experience from the start: beginning with an extended tour of the lab area groundwork for the day's activities. Field trip students then engage in activities that could include making a foam hand, wiring an electronic claw, and designing their own lab sleeves.
Limbitless has both full and half day field trip options. K-12 students will meet the Limbitless team of leaders and undergraduate students, see the manufacturing process up-close, interact and ask questions of Limbitless undergraduate students about their Limbitless and UCF experiences, and more.
9 AM TO 12 PM
Cost per participant:
5-15 = $35
16-30 = $30
9 AM TO 3 PM
Cost per participant:
5-15 = $65
16-30 = $60
* In development *
9 AM TO 12 PM
We offer limited facility tours to donors, individuals, and small groups to see a guided tour of our lab, and ask about the work we’re doing to help children with limb differences. To explore availability, email community@limbitless-solutions.org.
If Limbitless would be a good fit for your event, including speaking requests, event hosting (including a project for a fee), and tabling, email community@limbitless-solutions.org to explore if the opportunities are available.
Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Want to hear more about Limbitless before you reach out? Check out our blog and social media accounts to stay connected with our work.
If you are interested in learning more about our educational opportunities or scheduling a field trip with us, please contact us at community@limbitless-solutions.org.
Contact UsInterested in joining our diverse team? Each semester we work with University of Central Florida undergraduate students from a variety of majors.
Intern with us